Rentplus can assist house builders to bring forward stalled sites and allow construction of new homes.
Developers working with Rentplus can unlock significant funding without the need for government grants. They’ll benefit from an increase in the percentage of affordable homes on developments to help meet planning obligations.
Rentplus developments, described as ‘tenure blind’ by our housing association partners, integrate with open market housing to create sustainable mixed tenure developments. Tenants are aspiring home owners who take pride in their homes and communities, which will be reflected in the values of surrounding open market housing, ensuring high quality investment opportunities.
To find out how Rentplus can improve the tenure mix on your development, contact your local team here.
Rentplus is a private company operating in the affordable homes sector. We work with carefully chosen partners who build and manage our homes and support our residents in their local communities.
Rentplus is a private company operating in the affordable homes sector. We work with carefully chosen partners who build and manage our homes and support our residents in their local communities.
We buy affordable homes under section 106, which are let at an affordable rent on five, 10, 15 and 20-year leases to tenants who want eventually to buy their own home. The homes are let and managed by Registered Providers (RPs). When the tenant is ready to buy their home we give them 10% of its value to put towards their deposit.
If the local authority wishes, we can replace homes sold on a one-for-one basis to maintain an agreed number of affordable rent-to-buy homes in any local authority area.
All our homes meet and often exceed government building and energy standards and are tenure blind – they look just like the surrounding homes. They all feature wall, floor and loft insulation, advanced double-glazing, window and door security as well as highly efficient heating.